Find Someone To Sing With

When Anu left the house Sanjoy began to hum. He had felt like singing all morning but had to wait till she left to let the song out. He could never get himself to sing in front of her.

He was a terrible singer, no doubt. Really, one of the very worst. When he sang cats yowled in response. He missed beats and couldn’t keep time and when he tried for high notes he sounded like a kettle coming to boil. But he didn’t wait for Anu to leave to spare her. No, it wasn’t out of mercy that he sang in an empty house.

Continue reading Find Someone To Sing With

Pheejet Eespinner

They called him Ajmeri. He had shown up one day with the small boy clinging to his palm. If he had a wife then he never spoke of her. He didn’t speak much. All they saw were his white turban, bushy moustache and young son.  All he said was that he was from Ajmer.

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Kanika was sprawled on the floor. Her right arm struggled under the bed. Her head throbbed with a sharp pulsing pain. She could see the glint of the white enamel of her tooth as it sat just out of her reach under the bed. She needed it. It was the third one she had lost this way. She kept them all in her jewelry box. The bed cut into her arm and she winced. Suddenly, she remembered something. It rose up to her consciousness like a black balloon. She remembered the exact moment when her life changed for the worse.

Continue reading Manglik