The Shape of Fate

A hiker got lost in the woods. She had gone for a jog on a trail that was flanked by trees and surrounded by quiet. 10 minutes later, she slipped and tumbled down a steep side of the hilly trail. She found herself hurt and disoriented. The tall trees provided no hint as to the direction from which she had come. Panic set in.

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The 10-Year Challenge

I wish I had the confidence of some of the people putting up their 10-year challenge pictures. I’m glad some of you have the self-esteem to show people those pictures where your face is under heavy puberty construction work. And I love how much self-belief the rest of you have that things have gotten better. Continue reading The 10-Year Challenge

If You Absolutely Must Make A New Year Resolution…

I think 1st Jan is the worst time to make a resolution because you’re not dealing with the real you.
The thing is the new year has a mystical energy around it. There’s just too much positivity and optimism in the air and you get warped by it, you start seeing yourself as capable of change that you will never really manage.

Continue reading If You Absolutely Must Make A New Year Resolution…